Sunday, March 27, 2011

"The View from Here": March 14-20

Obviously I am still way behind on posting this, but at least I can say that I got two other blog posts done this week. These days, for me, that is quite an accomplishment! :)

Here is our "View From Here" Week #5:

Monday, March 14:
For some time now, we have listened to kids music every time we are in the car. We borrowed a few CDs from Katie back in the Fall and then Jacob got the Cedarmont Kids 100 Sing along Songs CDs for Christmas. Sometimes Jacob will ask for a certain song to be played (and yes, I have memorized the track numbers of his favorites). Other times, he is content to listen to whatever songs happen to play. Every now and then (not very often), I can get him to listen to my music (country). That usually only lasts a few minutes, but it is a welcome change from non-stop Nursery Rhymes!

Recently Jacob has asked to hold the CD holder while we are going somewhere. He doesn't really do anything with it, he just wants to hold it.

Tuesday, March 15:
One of Jacob's "favorite foods" right now is shredded cheese. As I mentioned in this post, he calls it "Daddy's cheese" and he probably asks for it at least once a day! For some reason, about a month or so ago, he started refusing to eat any cheese except for this kind. I don't necessarily mind since it's easy to just give him a handful when he asks for it. The problem is that it makes a HUGE mess!

The cheese ends up everywhere - inside the pocket of his bib, on his pants, in his highchair and most often on the floor! One day last week, we ran out of shredded cheese and thankfully he was willing to eat block cheese again. He still asks for "Daddy's cheese" and now that I have gotten more at the grocery store, I give it to him. But, it is nice to know that he will eat the other kind too if we run out again!

As I have said numerous times before, Jacob LOVES books. He has his favorites and is starting to be able to "read" (obviously from memorization) along with us. I got his really cute video of Keith and Jacob "reading" before bed:

Wednesday, March 16:
I belong to two Mom's groups and for one of them I have an official title: Event Coordinator. What this means is just what it sounds like - I coordinate events for the group. One of the things that I decided to do this year was to have holiday parties for every "popular" holiday. Of course, for March that means St. Patrick's Day.

Since we have a room reserved in the clubhouse of my neighborhood for playtime every third Wednesday, it worked out perfectly to have the party there! Here are some cute pictures from the event.

Our decorated table with some of the "green" snacks:

Jacob really enjoyed the chocolate-covered pretzels that someone brought to share:

Apparently Jacob was in the mood to wrestle. He loves being wherever Pierce is and will sometimes even tackle him!! Pierce is always a good sport and loves to play along.

Later that night, during dinner, Jacob was exhibiting his independence and wanted to open his yogurt himself. Unlike the video I posted a few days ago, this type of yogurt (the Gerber non-refrigerated kind) is not as easy to open. Even I have a hard time with it sometimes! But, no, Jacob wanted to do it himself. As you can see from this photo, he got the tiniest little opening in the top of it and then proceeded to stick his spoon in and start eating! He was content as could be since he got it open just enough to be able to get something out of it! Silly boy!

Thursday, March 17:
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I decided to let Jacob have some Lucky Charms as a snack after breakfast. I had brought them to the party the day before and he saw some leftovers sitting in a plastic container on the counter. The problem with him eating them (aside from them having a ton of sugar!) is that he really only likes the marshmallows. So...what does he do? He picks all of the non-marshmallow pieces out and drops them on the floor. Seems like a good plan, huh?

See them all scattered on the floor? (Yes, I did require him to help me pick them up.)

Friday, March 18:
We had beautiful weather that Friday - it was near 80 degrees outside (actually a little too hot for March in my opinion). Jake and I met Katie, Pierce and Reid (and some other Moms and friends) at the playground and we had a great time.

Jacob wanted to take a book along to read on the way:

My brave little boy on top of the slide (he used to only go down on his stomach, but now he will go down on his bottom too - or try to walk down like he is doing here!)

Jacob got really hot and he takes after me with the flushed cheeks! This is one of my favorite pictures of him - he looks almost like a little model! :)

Saturday, March 19:
One day while I was looking for videos and pictures to put up on a blog post, Jacob saw them and now whenever I have the laptop out, he thinks it is time to look at them. He will say "Picture, picture, pictures" over and over again. He gets really upset when I tell him that he can't see them (mostly if I am trying to do something else or there aren't any new pictures or videos to show him). On this particular day, nothing much was going on in the late afternoon so I opened up the laptop and let him watch some videos of himself. He prefers videos with other people in them, but since most of the videos that we have are of him, he will watch them until he gets bored.

Sunday, March 20
Jacob has some really strange habits (like all little kids, I am sure). One of them is that he likes to dip certain foods in his yogurt. Sometimes it is crackers or block cheese (yuck!) or some such fruit or vegetable. On this occasion it was apple slices:

Looks yummy. But will it taste good?

Yep, it's good!

Jacob is sometimes the most fun right after he gets up from his nap. Almost every day he wakes up super happy and full of energy. He loves to jump around in his crib and play. His newest thing is to drop (or throw) everything out of his crib. He thinks it is just the most fun thing to do! I took this cute video of him that Sunday after his nap. I just love how he is role playing with Elmo too.

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