Friday, April 8, 2011

"The View from Here": March 21-27

I'm behind again - two weeks this time! Oh well. I've been crazy busy with work, home, and everything else in between! Here is our "View From Here" Week #6:

Monday, March 21:
Jacob has moved from using snack traps to using bags for snacks. He would consistently take the top off of the snack traps and the food would go everywhere. At least with a bag, only the crumbs get tossed around sometimes as he tries to get every last morsel out. Here is a sampling of some "snack bags" that were sitting on the counter recently (and yes, three out of the four are cereal - mini wheats, lucky charms, and kix. Jake is on a cereal-loving kick lately!)

Tuesday, March 22:
On March 22, our Tuesday morning playgroup met at the Charlottesville Discovery Museum on the Downtown Mall. There were quite a few moms and kiddos there and we all had a great time. It was our first time there and Jacob enjoyed playing with all the neat things. Here he is playing with the train table:

They have this really cool contraption called "Amazing Airways". According to the website, "Puffs of air make balls and scarves fly through the Amazing Airways maze!" It was a really cool concept! The kids had fun putting the balls and scarves in the hole and watching them go through the maze and come back out!

Jacob and Reid "playing" Checkers

Jacob enjoyed playing with the wheels on the wall

Outside the Discovery Museum, there is a small carousel. It only seats seven and it is not mechanical, but it is FREE! and the kids loved it! Thankfully there weren't that many people on the Downtown Mall that day so our kids were able to play on it for a good while. Jacob would have probably stayed on it all day if I let him. I literally had to pry him off of the horse kicking and screaming!

I love this picture! He was having such a good time (as were Virginia & Wade who are in the background!)

Wednesday, March 23:
On Wednesday, I watched Reid for Katie while she and Pierce went to the dentist. We went to a friend's house in the morning for playgroup, but then the boys and I returned home for lunch and naps (for them, not me unfortunately!). Here are the two cuties enjoying their lunch (I love Reid's cheesy smile!):

These two are definitely "all boy" and they love to play with the cars!

Later that night, after his bath, Keith let Jacob run around naked. It was funny to see him doing "normal" things like reading books with no clothes on. He loved it though and wasn't too happy to get his clothes back on.

Thursday, March 24:
Thursday was a rough day for me. Remember, this post? I am still not sure why I was feeling so blah, but I know that I was definitely feeling better later that night! Four friends and I went to Ladies' Night Out at the Melting Pot and we had a fabulous time (we even closed the place down - we were talking and laughing so much that we didn't leave until after 10pm)!! I had a wonderful frozen strawberry margarita and we scarfed down yummy fondue foods! I am so blessed to have these awesome girls in my life and I cherish the fun times that we all have together.

Friday, March 25:
Fridays are usually lazy kinda days in our house as we normally don't have anything planned. We spend most of the morning in our pajamas just playing and hanging around. This particular day, Jacob kept taking his pajama pants off and walking around with them around his ankles. He was being overly goofy and finding it really funny! The more he laughed, the more I laughed - I wish I had gotten a video - it was one of those really fun silly moments.

Here is a not-so-funny moment that I did capture on video. Jacob's indecision lately is driving me crazy!

Saturday, March 26
I didn't take any pictures on Saturday. Probably because I was out running errands a lot of the day. Keith graciously took Jacob with him into town to the library while I did some local shopping at CVS and Food Lion (the only two stores that I can go to without driving at least 15 minutes). It seems like mundane shopping, but it was nice to be able to spend some time looking at greeting cards & shopping for deals instead of throwing stuff into the cart while trying to keep Jacob occupied! CVS had a great deal on the shampoo and conditioner that we use, so I stocked up for our Semester at Sea trip (4 months worth!). They also had Multigrain Cheerios (one of Keith's favs) on sale 2/$5 so I grabbed four boxes! CVS is one of those places where you wouldn't necessarily think to buy food, but they often have some really good deals if you time to look for them.

Sunday, March 27
We awoke on Sunday to a dusting of snow on the ground. Seriously?? Isn't it the end of March?? This year's weather has been so weird - in the 30s one week, 80 degrees the next and snow the next! I'm definitely ready for Spring and more consistently warmish temps (but not 80 just yet!)

This is a very random picture, but I was just amazed at the size of these boneless chicken breasts that we got from Sam's Club. No, they are not organic and yes, I realize that they were probably injected with something to make them this big!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

good for you Kirsten. He just wants to try all the videos. It obviously did not matter which one. just not the one he had.